In this project the dependence on plasmonic mode order, SPP resonance wavelength and interaction length will be investigated. Due to the fact that the fiber waveguide (WG) allows precise pulse dispersion tuning, the fiber provides a perfect host system to analyse the dynamic properties of the PDE by coupling in optical pulses of various temporal width. In addition the temperature dependence of the PDE will be investigated from room temperature down to cryogenic conditions (4.2 K), which will reveal the roles of phonons and NW morphology for the PDE. In terms of application, this project will evaluate, if metals and SPPs can be employed as efficient plasmonically optoelectronic detectors without the need of requiring any sort of semiconductor. This is especially interesting for optical circuitry, as the PDE may represent a unique way to integrate a fast and efficient detector scheme into fibers leading to monolithic high-speed in-fiber detectors. One key aspect of this project is to reveal the potential of PDE-based photodetection (e.g., dynamics of PDE, see WP3.2.1 and WP3.2.3) from an application perspective on the basis of a platform which is principally
DFG form 54.012 – 09/14 compatible with current telecommunication technology. As discussed in the following sections the excitation of spiralling SPPs in fibers has been shown by the author of this proposal in great detail in his previous works and all required knowledge and equipment essential to reach the project’s goals are available within the host institution of the author.

The project is funded by DFG grant number SCHM 2655/9-1; AOBJ: 630228.