Scientific Profile
Our research department deals with basic and application-oriented questions in the field of fiber-based photonics with a focus on life and environmental sciences. We investigate special fiber waveguides with respect to light generation and sensory properties, using materials and photonic concepts that are not yet traditionally used in waveguide optics, but which significantly extend their application range. The work concentrates on fundamental aspects and application-related questions of light-matter interaction and its possible applications in the field of biophotonics with a focus on nonlinear light generation, high-power lasers and the detection and analysis of single biologically relevant nanoobjects by means of elastic light scattering within microstructured fibers. Furthermore, meta-surfaces on fiber end surfaces, fiber-based optical tweezers or novel hollow core fiber concepts such as the on-chip light cage are investigated. In cooperation with other research units the department represents the topic of special fiber optics and represents a connecting element between the research topics nanoplasmonics, biomedical microscopy/imaging and multiscale microscopy.
Research Insights
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Research Topics
- Light guidance in hollow core waveguides (anti-resonant fibers and on-chip light cages)
- Nonlinear frequency conversion in hybrid and microstructured fibers
- Sensor technology on individual micro- and nano-objects inside and outside of microstructured fibers
- Tunable fiber laser concepts with high output powers
- Functionalization of fiber end surfaces with meta-surfaces and plasmon-active nanostructures
- Extension of the spectral range of fiber lasers by means of novel materials
Areas of application
- Fiber-based light sources with tailored properties
- Bioanalytics and biosensing of selected biological objects
- Fiber Integrated Spectroscopy and Optofluidics
- Application in near field microscopy