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- Ultrafast Fiber Lasers
Scientific Profile
Reliable and versatile ultrashort pulse laser sources in the mid-infrared wavelength range open up a wide field of research, industrial and medical applications. The mid-IR-range corresponds to vibrational absorption bands of all bio-molecules. Therefore, such laser systems present a desirable technology for non-invasive assessment of the biochemical content of tissues. The group chooses a nontrivial approach to achieve ultrashort pulse generation with simple laser configurations and avoiding the insertion of conventional saturable absorbers or artificial modulators. Our research targets development of novel ultrashort pulse lasers systems with tailored and extreme, spectral and temporal properties by shaping the generation via internal nonlinear and dispersive phenomena, and exploring all avenues of available optical fibre materials and geometries. Innovative laser sources will enable investigation of the fundamental physics of nonlinear phenomena and frequency conversion to mid-infrared, therefore matching vibration bands of target molecules.
Research topics
- fundamentals of ultrashort pulse dynamics in a laser cavity, investigation of nonlinear and dispersive processes
- mode-locked laser systems via dissipative Faraday instability
- scaling up the peak power of ultrashort pulses in the mid-infrared wavelength band
- novel soft-glass fibres and fabrication of fibre-based components and implementation of Mid-IR laser concepts
Areas of application

- Fundamental studies in nonlinear optics, particularly, frequency conversion
- Mid-infrared spectroscopy via the development of high-brightness mid-infrared laser systems
- Medical applications with special emphasis on high power laser application for surgery