UV-laser-inscribed fiber Bragg gratings in photonic crystal fibers and sensing applications

in: SPIE Proceedings (2011)
Wang, Yiping; Bartelt, Hartmut; Ecke, Wolfgang; Willsch, Reinhardt; Kobelke, Jens
We report about fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) inscribed in two different types of small-core Ge-doped photonic crystal fibers with a UV laser. Sensing applications of the FBGs were systematically investigated by means of demonstrating the responses of Bragg wavelengths to temperature, strain, bending, and transverse-loading. The Bragg wavelength of the FBGs shifts toward longer wavelengths with increasing temperature, tensile strain, and transverse-loading. Moreover, the bending and transverse-loading properties of the FBGs are sensitive to the fiber orientations. The reasonable analyses for these sensing properties also are presented.

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