Underwater pulse electrical diaphragm discharges for surface treatment of fibrous polymeric materials

in: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (2002)
Slavícek, P. ; Čižmár, Tomáš; Brablec, A.; Stahel, P.; Trunec, D.; Simor, M.; Cernak, N.
Preliminary results on physical characteristics of pulsed underwater diaphragm electrical discharges are presented. The discharges burning in tap water, water-chelaton solutions, and some other water-based solutions were studied as a potential atmospheric-pressure H2O-plasma source for surface activation of polyester cord threads. The discharge plasma parameters have been measured by means of optical emission spectroscopy. Electron number density of roughly 2 x 10(8) cm(-3) and an electron temperature of 1x10(4) K were estimated from broadening of hydrogen lines (Halpha), and vibrational temperature of 2500 K was determined from the vibrational band of nitrogen. A significant increase in the surface energy and wettability of the cord threads due to the plasma treatment was obtained.

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