Spin-dependent transport in nanocomposite C:Co films

in: Acta Materialia (2009)
Zhou, Shengqiang; Berndt, Markus; Bürger, Danilo; Heera, Viton; Potzger, Kay; Abrasonis, Gintautas; Radnóczi, György Zoltán; Kovács, György J.; Kolitsch, Andreas; Helm, Manfred; Fassbender, Jürgen; Möller, Wolfhard; Schmidt, Heidemarie
The magneto-transport properties of nanocomposite C:Co (15 and 40 at.% Co) thin films are investigated. The films were grown by ion beam co-sputtering on thermally oxidized silicon substrates in the temperature range from 200 to 500 _C. Two major effects are reported: (i) a large anomalous Hall effect amounting to 2 lX cm, and (ii) a negative magnetoresistance. Both the field-dependent resistivity and Hall resistivity curves coincide with the rescaled magnetization curves, a finding that is consistent with spin-dependent transport. These findings suggest that C:Co nanocomposites are promising candidates for carbon-based Hall sensors and spintronic devices.

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