Pulsed laser deposition of Fe- and Fe, Cu-doped ZnO thin films

in: Annalen der Physik (2004)
Guzmán, E.; Lorenz, Michael; von Wenckstern, Holger; Hochmuth, Holger; Rahm, Andreas; Kaidashev, Evgeni M.; Ziese, M.; Setzer, Annette; Pöppl, Andreas; Spemann, Daniel; Pickenhain, Rainer; Schmidt, Heidemarie; Grundmann, Marius
Fe- and Fe, Cu-doped ZnO films have been grown on 10×10 mm2 c-plane sapphire by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The targets were prepared from ZnO, Fe2O3, and/or CuO powder. The structural, electrical and magnetical properties of thin films grown under different conditions have been investigated. As expected, the doped ZnO thin film properties depend sensitively on the dopant material.

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