Identification of single molecules in aqueous solution by time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy

in: Journal of Physical Chemistry A (1999)
Schaffer, Jörg ; Volkmer, Andreas ; Eggeling, Christian; Subramaniam, V. ; Striker, G. ; Seidel, Claus A.M.
Using a confocal epi-illuminated microscope with a polarizing beam splitter and dual-channel detection of single-molecule fluorescence induced by pulsed laser excitation, a new application of the three-dimensional, real-time spectroscopic technique BIFL (burst integrated fluorescence lifetime) is introduced. BIFL allows simultaneous registration of fluorescence intensity, lifetime, and anisotropy. It is shown to be well-suited to identify the freely diffusing fluorescent molecule Rhodamine 123 and the Enhanced Yellow Fluorescent Protein via their characteristic fluorescence anisotropy using a time-resolved analysis. Furthermore, data analysis is discussed and rotational correlation times of single molecules are determined. Applications for multidimensional single-molecule identification are outlined.

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