Vacuum ultraviolet frequency combs generated by a femtosecond enhancement cavity in the visible

in: Optics Letters (2012)
Bernhardt, Birgitta; Ozawa, Akira; Vernaleken, Andreas; Pupeza, Ioachim; Kaster, Jan; Kobayashi, Yohei; Holzwarth, Ronald; Fill, Ernst; Krausz, Ferenc; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Udem, Thomas
We present the first (to our best knowledge) femtosecond enhancement cavity in the visible wavelength range for ultraviolet frequency comb generation. The cavity is seeded at 518 nm by a frequency-doubled Yb fiber laser and operates at a peak intensity of 1.2 × 1013 W∕cm2. High harmonics of up to the ninth order (57 nm) are generated in an intracavity xenon gas jet. Intracavity high harmonic powers of several milliwatts for the third harmonic order and microwatts for the fifth harmonic order prove the potential of the “green cavity” as an efficient ultraviolet frequency comb source for future spectroscopic experiments. A limiting degradation effect of the cavity mirrors is avoided by operating at a constant oxygen background pressure.

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