Effect of supplementary manganese on the sporulation of Bacillus endospores analysed by Raman spectroscopy

in: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2009)
Stöckel, Stephan; Meisel, Susann; Böhme, René; Elschner, Mandy; Rösch, Petra; Popp, Jürgen
It is a common practice in microbiology to induce and accelerate sporulation of spore-forming bacteria by adding small amounts of divalent manganese to the cultivation medium. By micro-Raman spectroscopy the effect of supplementary divalent manganese during the growth and sporulation of Bacillus spp. bacteria was studied. The spectral alterations in the Raman spectra of single endospores due to this cultivation parameter comprised slight alterations of the bands attributed to intracellular, abundantly present calcium dipicolinate (CaDPA). Those signals suffered a loss of intensity or partial band broadening because of the appearance of new weak signals next to them. Exclusively in Raman spectra of single B. sphaericus endospores, the band at 1485 cm−1 vanished. The theoretical spectra of CaDPA and manganese dipicolinate (MnDPA) were calculated and compared with the experimental spectra toprove the hypothesis that, while the overall intracellular DPAcontent decreased, an intracellular assembly of MnDPA in the endospores might also occur. Band shifts of the COO− vibrations in the salt’s spectra as well as in the endospore’s spectra, and the decrease of the two CaDPA bands, confirmed this proposal. The appearance of the 1030 cm−1 band in all Bacillus spectra as well as the disappearance of the 1485 cm−1 band in the B. sphaericus spectra still needs to be clarified. With the help of two multivariate chemometric methods, these spectral alterations allowed discrimination between single endospores of different Bacillus strains cultivated on normal nutrient agar (NA) and those grown onNAwithMnSO4 • xH2O addition. With these investigations, a possible strategy is shown to trace back the cultivation environment of matured single endospores. Utilizing the joint concept of micro-Raman spectroscopy and chemometric analysis, the differentiation between natively grown endospores and those cultivated in a laboratory with the help of manganous salts as a common sporulation accelerator seems accomplishable.

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