Removal of step-edges and corresponding Gibbs ringing in SQUID-based geomagnetic data

in: Measurement Science & Technology (2013)
Schönau, Thomas; Schneider, Michael; Schiffler, Markus; Schmelz, Matthias; Stolz, Ronny; Meyer, Hans-Georg
We present a reliable post processing routine for the elimination of step-edges in SQUID-based geomagnetic data. A special feature of the algorithm is the correction of the A/D converters step response including the acquired Gibbs ringing, which results in smoothly reconstructed data. For this, the dependence of the step-edge shape on its sub-sample position is calculated. To locate the step-edges with sub-sample resolution, the local response of the undecimated wavelet transform to the step-edge is minimized by an optimization procedure. Due to the intrinsic quantization of the step-edge heights, a drift free reconstruction of the measured quantity is possible.

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