Inversion of geo-magnetic full-tensor gradiometer data

in: Journal of Applied Geophysics (2013)
Linzen, Sven Peter; Stolz, Ronny; Schiffler, Markus; Chwala, Andreas; Schulz, Marco; Dunkel, Stefan; Meyer, Hans-Georg; Schneider, Michael
The fast and sensitive SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) system,which was developed at IPHT Jena, allows the geo-magnetic prospection of large land areas. The system's simultaneous high-resolution recording of all components of the Earth's magnetic field gradient tensor represents a high-quality data base for precise inversion calculations. Thus, we developed a software tool for the fast and direct inversion of full-tensor data from especially dipole-like sources. Our motivation is to localize buried magnetic objects and inhomogeneities in the underground only by measuring the gradient components at the surface. The application of the algorithm will be shown by two examples, first on a synthetic data set and second on a real data set measured at the IPHT test site with well-defined buried targets.

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