An arbitrary waveform generator for fast high sensitive measurements

in: Temporal Proceedings (2013)
Ivanov, Boris; Ilichev, Evgeni; Meyer, Hans-Georg
The new high functionality high speed and easy programming arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) was designed and implemented for high sensitive superconducting flux qubit measurements. The generator provides 7 fast differential waveforms channels with maximum bandwidth of 200 MHz and 4 pulse channels with 78 ps of minimum pulse length and delay (fine mode). The AWG board has +5 V Off-The-Shelf power supply with less than 2 A of current consumption. The Virtex-6 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was used for the board housekeeping. Each channel of the board is filtered with 100 MHz and 200 MHz Gaussian low pass filter and the electromagnetic shields isolate power supply, digital and analog output parts with more than 100 dB isolation. All the output channels of the board have SMA termination. The AWG board is designed for easy integration to the 19 inches standard laboratory rack and suitable for using it as a part of a high sensitive read out for superconducting quantum circuits like superconducting quantum bits, RSFQ circuits and any other application, which requires EMI-free arbitrary waveform generation.

DOI: Array

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