Structured illumination fluorescence microscopy with distorted excitations using a filtered blind-SIM algorithm

in: Optics Letters (2013)
Heintzmann, Rainer; Jost, Aurélie; Wicker, Kai; Sentenac, Anne; Ayuk, R.; Giovannini, Hugues; Mudry, E.; Girard, J.; Mangeat, T.; Sandeau, Nicolas; Belkebir, Kamel
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is a powerful technique for obtaining super-resolved fluorescence maps of samples, but it is very sensitive to aberrations or misalignments affecting the excitation patterns. Here, we present a reconstruction algorithm that is able to process SIM data even if the illuminations are strongly distorted. The approach is an extension of the recent blind-SIM technique, which reconstructs simultaneously the sample and the excitation patterns without a priori information on the latter. Our algorithm was checked on synthetic and experimental data using distorted and nondistorted illuminations. The reconstructions were similar to that obtained by up-to-date SIM methods when the illuminations were periodic and remained artifact-free when the illuminations were strongly distorted.

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