Comparison of femtosecond laser-induced damage on unstructured vs. nanostructured Au-targets

in: Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing (2011)
Kern, Christian; Petschulat, Jörg; Pertsch, Thomas; Kley, Ernst-Bernhard; Käsebier, Thomas; Hübner, Uwe; Spielmann, Christian; Zürch, Michael
The combination of high-eld physics with nano-plasmonics has proven to be feasible in producing high harmonics of intense laser radiation from noble gases, assisted by the eld-enhancement effect in the proximity of metallic nano-antennas. However, the intensity region where harmonics can be generated without irreversible damage to these delicate structures is rather narrow. We explore the damage threshold of gold targets that exhibit regular structures on a nanoscopic scale, either explicitly resonant to the used laser frequency, or o-resonance. These are compared to values for bulk material in order to gain insight into the role of plasmonic resonances in the response of solid targets on intense laser radiation. We nd that the presence of such a resonance lowers the threshold uence (J=cm2) where global structural damage sets in by about an order of magnitude. Statistical deviations either in local pulse energy of the damage inducing laser radiation or in the exact resonance behaviour of singular structures prove to be limited. These results should serve as a guideline for future experiments working near the damage threshold of more sophisticated antenna designs.

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