Ultrafast supercontinuum generation in halomethane-filled liquid-core fibers

in: Optics Letters (2023)
Huang, Wenqin; Junaid, Saher; Hofmann, Johannes; Schneidewind, Henrik; Schmidt, Markus A.
Here,we demonstrate the properties of bromotrichloromethane (CBrCl3) in the context of ultrafast supercontinuum generation in liquid-core fibers. Broadband interferometric and spectroscopic measurements of liquids and fibers indicate suitable optical properties of this halomethane for near-IR supercontinuum generation, which were confirmed in corresponding experiments using ultrashort pulses. The associated simulations showed consistent broadband power redistributions, thus confirming that this halomethane is a suitable candidate for ultrafast nonlinear frequency conversion in liquid-core fibers. It uniquely combines the advantages of an inorganic, i.e., CH-free, material with a non-vanishing hyperpolarizability, allowing to anticipate an integration of second-order nonlinearity into the fiber.

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