Multilayer Fabrication Process for Josephson Junction Circuits Cross-compatible over Two Foundries

in: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2016)
Kiviranta, Mikko; Brandel, Oliver; Grönberg, Leif; Kunert, Jürgen; Linzen, Sven Peter; Beev, Nikolai; May, Torsten; Prunnila, Mika
We have developed a thin-film fabrication process which allows manufacturing of Josephson junction-based devices from the same layout data either in the VTT foundry in Espoo, Finland, or in the FLUXONICS foundry at the IPHT in Jena, Germany. Automated scripts are used to derive either VTT compatible or FLUXONICS compatible mask plates from the same layout data. Test circuits have been fabricated at both foundries from the same layout data and their correct operation verified.

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