Attosecond intra-valence band dynamics and resonant-photoemission delays in W(110)

in: Nature Communications (2021)
Heinrich, Stephan; Saule, Tobias; Högner, Maximilian; Cui, Y.; Yakovlev, V. S.; Pupeza, Ioachim; Kleineberg, U.
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy with attosecond precision provides new insights into the photoelectric effect and gives information about the timing of photoemission from different electronic states within the electronic band structure of solids. Electron transport, scattering phenomena and electron-electron correlation effects can be observed on attosecond time scales by timing photoemission from valence band states against that from core states. However, accessing intraband effects was so far particularly challenging due to the simultaneous requirements on energy, momentum and time resolution. Here we report on an experiment utilizing intracavity generated attosecond pulse trains to meet these demands at high flux and high photon energies to measure intraband delays between sp- and d-band states in the valence band photoemission from tungsten and investigate final-state effects in resonant photoemission.

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