Monitoring the amplification of CATCH, a 3SR based cooperatively coupled isothermal amplification system, by fluorimetric methods

in: Nucleic Acids Research : NAR (1997)
Kirner, Thomas; Ellinger, Thomas; Förster, Petra; McCaskill, John Simpson; Ehricht, Ralf
Three different types of fluorescence detection methods were employed to monitor amplification of a previously established isothermal cooperatively coupled amplification system as it can serve as a tool for the investigation of fundamental issues in evolutionary optimization. By using 5‘IRD-41 fluorescent labeled primers, the intercalating dye TOPRO-1 and a 5’fluorescin/3’DABCYL 4-(4-dimethylamino-phenylazo)benzoic acid labeled ss 24 nt DNA, evolving molecular cooperation is accessible, sequence specifically as well as non-sequence-specifically without using radioactivity.

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