Tuned Transition from Quantum to Classical for Macroscopic Quantum States

in: Physical Review Letters (2011)
Fedorov, A.; Macha, Pascal; Feofanov, Alexey; Harmans, C. J. P. M.; Mooij, J. E.
The boundary between the classical and quantum worlds has been intensely studied. It remains fascinating to explore how far the quantum concept can reach with use of specially fabricated elements. Here we employ a tunable flux qubit with basis states having persistent currents of 1 µA carried by a million pairs of electrons. By tuning the tunnel barrier between these states we see a crossover from quantum to classical. Released from nonequilibrium, the system exhibits spontaneous coherent oscillations. For high barriers the lifetime of the states increases dramatically while the tunneling period approaches the phase coherence time and the oscillations fade away.

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