Optical path clearing and enhanced transmission through colloidal suspensions

in: Optics Express (2010)
Baumgartl, J. ; Čižmár, Tomáš; Mazilu, Michael; Chan, V. C. ; Carruthers, A. E. ; Capron, B. A. ; McNeely, W. ; Wright, Ewan M. ; Dholakia, Kishan
We utilize advanced laser fields to clear a path through a dynamic turbid medium, a concept termed "Optical path clearing (OPC)." Particles are evacuated from a volume of the medium using the gradient and/or scattering forces due to an applied laser field with a suitably tailored spatial profile. Our studies encompass both an analytical model and proof-of-principle experiments where paths are cleared in dense bulk colloidal suspensions. Based on our results we suggest that high-performance and high efficiency OPC will be achieved by multiple-step clearing using dynamic laser fields based on Airy or inverted axicon beams. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America

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