First comparison of electric field induced second harmonic of near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses in reflection and transmission generated from Si/SiO2 interfaces of a silicon membrane

in: Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics (2011)
Nyamuda, Gibson P.; Rohwer, Erich; Steenkamp, Christine M.; Stafast, Herbert
For the first time electric field induced second harmonic (EFISH) generation of femtosecond (fs) laser pulses (λ = 800 nm, τ = 75 ± 5 fs, rep. rate = 80 MHz, E≤ 10 nJ) is observed in transmission through a thin free-standing silicon (Si) membrane of 10-μm thickness and compared to the well-known EFISH results in reflection by use of the z-scan technique. EFISH in reflection and transmission unequivocally originate from the front and rear Si/SiO pulse interfaces, respectively, with SiO being the natural oxide on the Si surfaces. Frequency conversion is enhanced by photoinduced electric fields across the Si/SiO interfaces caused by charge-carrier injection from Si into the oxide. The z-scan results and time-dependent measurements allow comparison of the EFISH signal amplitudes and time constants detected in transmission and reflection, demonstrating the need for further investigation.

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