Field-stable SQUID magnetometer with sub-fT/Hz1/2 resolution based on sub-micrometer cross-type Josephson tunnel junctions

in: Superconductor Science & Technology (2011)
Schmelz, Matthias; Stolz, Ronny; Zakosarenko, Vyacheslav; Schönau, Thomas; Anders, Solveig; Fritzsch, Ludwig; Mück, Hans-Michael; Meyer, Hans-Georg
We report on the development of a new family of magnetic field sensors with exceptionally low magnetic field noise as low as 0.3 fT/Hz1/2. Beside this, they exhibit high usable voltage swings of more than 150 μVpp and tolerable background fields during cool-down of up to 6.5 mT. In operation mode they recover completely from magnetization pulses of up to 76 mT, which makes them well suited for applications such as low-field magnetic resonance imaging. With respect to their easy and reliable usage as well as their field resolution in the sub-fT/Hz1/2 range, the presented SQUID sensors are adequate for many applications, like in geophysics or in biomagnetism.

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