Fiber Bragg grating based spatially resolved characterization of flux-pinning induced strain of rectangular-shaped bulk YBCO samples

in: Physica C-Superconductivity and its Applications (2011)
Latka, Ines; Habisreuther, Tobias; Litzkendorf, Doris
We report on measurements of the spatially resolved characterization of flux-pinning induced strain of rectangular shaped bulk YBCO samples. The spatially resolved strain measurements are accomplished by the use 2 fiber Bragg grating arrays, which are with an included angle of 45° fixed to the surface. In this paper first attempts to confirm the shape distortions caused by the flux-pinning induced strain as predicted in [1,2] will be presented. Two sample setups, a single bulk and a “mirror” arrangement, will be ompared. This mirror setup represents a model configuration for a measurement inside the superconductor, where demagnetization effects can be neglected and the magnetic field merely has a z-component.

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