Evaluating different deep learning models for efficient extraction of Raman signals from CARS spectra†

in: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2023)
Junjuri, Rajendhar; Saghi, Ali; Lensu, Lasse; Vartiainen, Erik M.
The nonresonant background (NRB) contribution to the coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) signal distorts the spectral line shapes and thus degrades the chemical information. Hence, finding an effective approach for removing NRB and extracting resonant vibrational signals is a challenging task. In this work, a bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM) neural network is explored for the first time to remove the NRB in the CARS spectra automatically, and the results are compared with those of three DL models reported in the literature, namely, convolutional neural network (CNN), long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network, and very deep convolutional autoencoders (VECTOR). The results of the synthetic test data have shown that the Bi-LSTM model accurately extracts the spectral lines throughout the range. In contrast, the other three models’ efficiency deteriorated while predicting the peaks on either end of the spectra, which resulted in a 60 times higher mean square error than that of the Bi-LSTM model. The Pearson correlation analysis demonstrated that Bi-LSTM model performance stands out from the rest, where 94% of the test spectra have correlation coefficients of more than 0.99. Finally, these four models were evaluated on four complex experimental CARS spectra, namely, protein, yeast, DMPC, and ADP, where the Bi-LSTM model has shown superior performance, followed by CNN, VECTOR, and LSTM. This comprehensive study provides a giant leap toward simplifying the analysis of complex CARS spectroscopy and microscopy.

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