Tin/Tin Oxide Nanostructures: Formation, Application, and Atomic and Electronic Structure Peculiarities

in: Nanomaterials (2023)
Liu, Poting; Sivakov, Vladimir
For a very long period, tin was considered one of the most important metals for humans due to its easy access in nature and abundance of sources. In the past, tin was mainly used to make various utensils and weapons. Today, nanostructured tin and especially its oxide materials have been found to possess many characteristic physical and chemical properties that allow their use as functional materials in various fields such as energy storage, photocatalytic process, gas sensors, and solar cells. This review discusses current methods for the synthesis of Sn/SnO2 composite materials in form of powder or thin film, as well as the application of the most advanced characterization tools based on large-scale synchrotron radiation facilities to study their chemical composition and electronic features. In addition, the applications of Sn/SnO2 composites in various fields are presented in detail.

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