Evaluation of cytotoxicity, photoluminescence and bioimaging properties of nanoparticles of nanoparticle suspensions prepared from nonporous and porous silicon nanowires

in: Temporal Proceedings (2014)
Osminkina, Liubov Andreevna; Sivakov, Vladimir; Mysov, Grigory A.; Natashina, Uliana Аlexandrovna; Talkenberg, Florian; Gonchar, Kyrill A.; Solovyev, Valery V.; Kudryavtsev, Andrew A.; Timoshenko, Victor Yurievich
Cytotoxicity, photoluminescence (PL) and bio-imaging properties of silicon nanoparticles prepared from nonpo-rous (LD) and porous (HD) silicon nanowires (SiNWs) have been investigated. Samples of LD-SiNWs and HD-SiNWs were formed by metal (silver)-assisted wet chemical etching of lowly and heavily boron-doped (100)-oriented single crystalline silicon substrates, respectively. The prepared silicon nanowires and its aqueous suspen-sions exhibit efficient room temperature photoluminescence (PL) in the spectral region of 600–1000 nm and it is explained by the radiative recombination of excitons confined within nanostructured sidewall of LD-SiNWs and volume of HD-SiNWs. For the first time, this work demonstrates bio-compatibility properties of such silicon nanostructures and their bio-imaging applications.

DOI: Array

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