Dependence of the Surface-enhanced Raman scattering signal on the shape of silver nanostructures grown in the SiO2/n-Si porous template

in: Devices and Methods of Measurements (2017)
Yakimchuk, Dmitry V.; Kaniukov, Egor Yu; Demyanov, Sergey E.; Sivakov, Vladimir
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering is a powerful method used in chemo- and biosensorics. The aim of this work was to determine the relationship between the signal of Surface-enhanced Raman scattering and the shape of silver nanostructures under the influence of laser radiation with different power. Plasmonic nanostructures were synthesized in silicon dioxide pores on monocrystalline silicon n-type substrate. The pores were formed using ion-track technology and selective chemical etching. Silver deposition was carried out by galvanic displacement method. Synthesis time was chosen as a parameter that allows controlling the shape of a silver deposit in the pores of silicon dioxide on the surface of single-crystal n-silicon during electrodeless deposition. Deposition time directly effects on the shape of metal nanostructures. Analysis of the dynamics of changing the morphology of the metal deposit showed that as the deposition time increases, the metal evolves from individual metallic crystallites within the pores at a short deposition time to dendritic-like nanostructures at a long time. The dependence of the intensity of Surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectra on the shape of the silver deposit is studied at the powers of a green laser (λ = 532 nm)from 2.5 μW to 150 μW on the model dye analyte Rodamin 6G. The optimum shape of the silver deposit and laser power is analyzed from this point of view design of active surfaces for Surface-enhanced Raman scattering with nondestructive control of small concentrations of substances. The silver nanostructures obtained in porous template SiO2 on n-type silicon substrate could be used as plasmon -active surfaces for nondestructive investigations of substances with low concentrations at low laser powers.

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