Ultrafast Spectral Tuning of a Fiber Laser for Time-Encoded Multiplex Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy

in: Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2023)
Gottschall, Thomas; Meyer-Zedler, Tobias; Eibl, Matthias; Pfeiffer, Tom; Hakert, Hubertus; Schmitt, Michael; Huber, Robert; Tünnermann, Andreas; Limpert, Jens; Popp, Jürgen
Coherent Raman scattering microscopy utilizing bioorthogonal tagging approaches like isotope or alkyne labelling allows for a targeted monitoring of spatial distribution and dynamics of small molecules of interest in cells, tissues, and other complex biological matrices. To fully exploit this approach in terms of real-time monitoring of several Raman tags, e.g., to study drug uptake dynamics, extremely fast tunable lasers are needed. Here, we present a laser concept without moving parts and fully electronically controlled for the quasi-simultaneous acquisition of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering images at multiple Raman resonances. The laser concept is based on the combination of a low noise and spectrally narrow Fourier domain mode-locked laser seeding a compact four wave mixing-based high-power fiber-based optical parametric amplifier.

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