Single and multilayer metamaterials fabricated by nanoimprint lithography

in: Nanotechnology (2011)
Bergmair, Iris; Dastmalchi, Babak; Bergmair, Michael; Hilber, Wolfgang; Saeed, Ahmad; Hesser, Günter; Helgert, Christian; Pshenay-Severin, Ekaterina; Pertsch, Thomas; Kley, Ernst-Bernhard; Hübner, Uwe; Shen, Nian-Hai
We demonstrate for the first time a fast and easy nanoimprint lithography (NIL) based stacking process of negative index structures like fishnet and Swiss-cross metamaterials. The process takes a few seconds, is cheap and produces three-dimensional (3D) negative index materials (NIMs) on a large area which is suitable for mass production. It can be performed on all common substrates even on flexible plastic foils. This work is therefore an important step toward novel and breakthrough applications of NIMs such as cloaking devices, perfect lenses and magnification of objects using NIM prisms. The optical properties of the fabricated samples were measured by means of transmission and reflection spectroscopy. From the measured data we retrieved the effective refractive index which is shown to be negative for a wavelength around 1.8 µm for the fishnet metamaterial while the Swiss-cross metamaterial samples show a distinct resonance at wavelength around 1.4 µm.

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