Synthesis Pressure-Temperature Effect on Pinning in MgB2-Based Superconductors

in: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (2013)
Prikhna, Tetiana A.; Eisterer, Mikhael; Gawalek, Wolfgang; Kozyrev, Artem; Weber, Harald W.; Sokolovsky, Vladimir; Chaud, Xavier; Noudem, Jacques; Habisreuther, Tobias; Moshchil, Viktor E.; Karpets, Myroslav; Basyuk, Tetiana; Dellith, Jan; Sverdun, Vladimir B.; Kuznietsov, Roman; Schmidt, Christa; Kovylaev, Valeriy; Vitovetskaya, T.; Polikarpova, L. O.
The volume pinning force, Fp(max), increases with increasing synthesis or sintering pressure (0.1 MPa - 2 GPa) in materials prepared at high temperature (1050 oC) while it stays practically unchanged in those prepared at low temperature (800 oC). The position of Fp(max) can be shifted to higher magnetic fields by: (1) increasing the manufacturing pressure or decreasing the temperature (2) additions (Ti, SiC or C, for example) and (3) in-situ preparation. Grain boundary pinning (GBP) dominates in materials prepared at low temperatures (600-800 oC), while high-temperature preparation induces strong point pinning (PP) or mixed pinning (MP) leading to outstanding properties. In materials produced by spark plasma sintering (SPS), the position of Fp(max) is higher than expected for both grain boundary and point pinning. The distribution of boron and oxygen in MgB2 based material, which can changed by additions or the preparation conditions, significantly affects the type and strength of pining. Materials prepared under a pressure of 2 GPa with a nominal composition of Mg:7B or Mg:12 B consist of 88.5 wt % MgB12, 2.5 wt % MgB2, 9 wt % MgO or 53 wt % MgB12, 31 wt % MgB20 16 wt % MgO, respectively. Their magnetic shielding fractions at low temperatures are 10% and 1.5%, with a transition temperature, TC of 37.4-37.6 K. Although their magnetic critical current density at zero field and 20 K was 2-5•102 A/cm2, they were found to be insulating on the macroscopic level.

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