Anisotropy of the paramagnetic susceptibility of NdGaO3 single crystals

in: Journal of Applied Physics (2011)
Mattheis, Roland; Habisreuther, Tobias; Steenbeck, Klaus
The tensor of the paramagnetic susceptibility χ of NdGaO3 single crystals was determined with high accuracy in the temperature range of T = (5-300) K. A vibrating sample magnetometer was used to determine the χ tensor components in the three main axes whereas torquemetry allows for characterisation the small deviations of the tensor ellipsoid from a sphere. In the (100) plane the anisotropy Δχ is small (about 0.1 % at 300 K and 1 % at 30 K). It changes non-monotonically with T, and reverses its sign at 250 K. In the planes (010) and (001) Δχ is much stronger (about 5% at 300 K and 22% at 30 K). Around 100 K it also changes its sign. Our results allow for the determination of the anisotropy Δχ for any desired crystal orientation and temperature (5 K< T <300 K), and the conditions for disappearing magnetic torque (Δχ = 0) are deduced.

DOI: Array

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