Optical characterization of YBa2Cu3O7−delta thin film modified gold nanoparticles

in: Applied Surface Science (2015)
Naujok, Phillip; Katzer, Christian; Schmidl, Gabriele; Jatschka, Jacqueline; Fritzsche, Wolfgang; Schmidl, Frank
We report on the influence of YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) thin films on the self-organized formation of gold nanoparticles. A thickness variation of the YBCO film allows to actively control the particle`s sizes and density distributions. The YBCO matrix can also be removed, allowing to use the modified particles remaining on the substrate and to thusly reduce the particle density. This approach can be used in plasmonic applications. Combining secondary electron microscopy and dark-field microscopy permitted an improved interpretation of measured scattering spectra, since known particles could be addressed. The spectral peak position of the plasmon resonance and the spectra broadening can be controlled by specific growth conditions.

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