Laser protective layers with incorporated mixtures of endothermic reactive materials for personal protective equipment

in: Procedia CIRP (2022)
Paa, Wolfgang; Gambke, Annika; Neudeck, Andreas; Bühring, Rico; Schwabe, Danny
The lack of certified personal protective equipment (PPE) and the high number of quite ambitious requirements to laser protection clothes (protective, flexible, light-weight, processible, sewable, wearable, …) give rise to the development of a new kind of layered and functionalized textiles: Existing protective textiles acting as a substrate are coated with an additional layer consisting of compounds which can react in an energyconsuming, i.e. endothermic, manner. We report on recent progress on textile substrates which are equipped with endothermic mixtures of Fe2O3/C, SiO2/C, or Al2O3/Fe as well as compounds containing crystal water that can also be thermally decomposed, such as magnesium carbonate hydroxide hydrate. The resulting temperatures as well as the resistance to laser irradiation at 1064 nm after a duration of 30 s are used to judge the suitability for future personal protective equipment. A combination of an already available polyester textile substrate with the new magnesium carbonate hydroxide hydrate layer and a highly absorbing aluminum foil, treated by a Plasma Chemical Oxidation (PCO) method, shows promising results for application in laser protection textiles.

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