Metafiber transforming arbitrarily structured light

in: Nature Communications (2023)
Li, Chenhao; Wieduwilt, Torsten; Wendisch, Rüdiger; Márquez, Andrés; de S. Menezes, Leonardo; Maier, Stefan A.; Schmidt, Markus A.; Ren, Haoran
Structured light has proven useful for numerous photonic applications. However, the current use of structured light in optical fiber science and technology is severely limited by modemixing or by the lack of optical elements that can be integrated onto fiber end-faces for wavefront engineering, and hence generation of structured light is still handled outside the fiber via bulky optics in free space. We report ametafiber platform capable of creating arbitrarily structured light on the hybrid-order Poincaré sphere. Polymeric metasurfaces, with unleashed height degree of freedom and a greatly expanded 3D meta-atom library, were 3D laser nanoprinted and interfaced with polarization-maintaining single-mode fibers. Multiple metasurfaces were interfaced on the fiber endfaces, transforming the fiber output into different structured-light fields, including cylindrical vector beams, circularly polarized vortex beams, and arbitrary vector field. Our work provides a paradigm for advancing optical fiber science and technology towards fiber-integrated light shaping, which may find important applications in fiber communications, fiber lasers and sensors, endoscopic imaging, fiber lithography, and lab-on-fiber technology.

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