Nonlinear microscopy, infrared, and Raman microspectroscopy for brain tumor analysis

in: Journal of Biomedical Optics (2011)
Meyer, Tobias; Bergner, Norbert; Krafft, Christoph; Akimov, Denis; Dietzek, Benjamin; Popp, Jürgen; Bielecki, Christiane; Romeike, Bernd F.M.; Reichart, Rupert; Kalff, Rolf
Contemporary brain tumor research focuses on two challenges: First, tumor typing and grading by analyzing excised tissue is of utmost importance for choosing a therapy. Secondly for prognostication the tumor has to be removed as completely as possible. Nowadays, histopathology of excised tissue using haematoxylin-eosine staining is the golden standard for the definitive diagnosis of surgical pathology specimens. However, it is neither applicable in vivo, nor does it allow for precise tumor typing in those cases when only non-representative specimens are procured. IR and Raman spectroscopy, allow for very precise cancer analysis due to their molecular specificity, while nonlinear microscopy is a suitable tool for rapid imaging of large tissue sections. Here, unstained samples from the brain of a domestic pig have been investigated by a multimodal nonlinear imaging approach combining coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, second harmonic generation and two photon excited fluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, a brain tumor specimen was additionally analyzed by linear Raman and FTIR imaging for a detailed assessment of the tissue types that is required for classification and to validate the multimodal imaging approach. Hence label-free vibrational microspectroscopic imaging is a promising tool for fast and precise in vivo diagnostics of brain tumors.

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