Monolithic optofluidic mode coupler for broadband thermo- and piezo-optical characterization of liquids

in: Optics Express (2017)
Pumpe, Sebastian; Chemnitz, Mario; Kobelke, Jens; Schmidt, Markus A.
We present a monolithic fiber device that enables investigation of the thermo- and piezo-optical properties of liquids using straightforward broadband transmission measurements. The device is a directional mode coupler consisting of a multi-mode liquid core and a single mode glass core with pronounced coupling resonances whose wavelength strongly depend on the operation temperature. We demonstrated the functionality and flexibility of our device for carbon disulfide, extending the current knowledge of the thermo-optic coefficient by 200 nm at 20 °C and uniquely for high temperatures. Moreover, our device allows measuring the piezo-optic coefficient of carbon disulfide, confirming results first obtained by Röntgen in 1891. Finally, we applied our approach to obtain the dispersion of the thermo-optic coefficients of benzene and tetrachloroethylene between 450 and 800 nm, whereas no data was available for the latter so far.

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