Physics inspired compact modelling of BiFeO 3 based memristors

in: Scientific Reports (2022)
Yarragolla, Sahitya; Du, Nan; Hemke, Torben; Zhao, Xianyu; Chen, Ziang; Polian, Ilia; Mussenbrock, Thomas
With the advent of the Internet of Things, nanoelectronic devices or memristors have been the subject of significant interest for use as new hardware security primitives. Among the several available memristors, BiFeO 3 (BFO)-based electroforming-free memristors have attracted considerable attention due to their excellent properties, such as long retention time, self-rectification, intrinsic stochasticity, and fast switching. They have been actively investigated for use in physical unclonable function (PUF) key storage modules, artificial synapses in neural networks, nonvolatile resistive switches, and reconfigurable logic applications. In this work, we present a physics-inspired 1D compact model of a BFO memristor to understand its implementation for such applications (mainly PUFs) and perform circuit simulations. The resistive switching based on electric field-driven vacancy migration and intrinsic stochastic behaviour of the BFO memristor are modelled using the cloud-in-acell scheme. The experimental current–voltage characteristics of the BFO memristor are successfully reproduced. The response of the BFO memristor to changes in electrical properties, environmental properties (such as temperature) and stress are analyzed and consistant with experimental results.

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