Molecular self-healing mechanisms between C60-fullerene and anthracene unveiled by Raman and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy

in: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2016)
Geitner, Robert; Kötteritzsch, Julia; Siegmann, Michael; Fritzsch, Robby; Hager, Martin D.; Schubert, Ulrich S.; Gräfe, Stefanie; Dietzek, Benjamin; Schmitt, Michael; Popp, Jürgen; Bocklitz, Thomas W.
The self-healing polymer P(LMA-co-MeAMMA) cross linked with C60-fullerene has been studied by FT-Raman spectroscopy in combination with two-dimensional (2D) correlation analysis and density functional theory calculations. To unveil the molecular changes during the self-healing process mediated by the Diels-Alder equilibrium between 10-methyl-9-anthracenyl groups and C60-fullerene different anthracene-C60-fullerene adducts have been synthesized and characterized by time-, concentration- and temperature-dependent FT-Raman measurements. The self-healing process could be monitored via the C60-fullerene vibrations at270, 432 and 1469 cm-1. Furthermore, the detailed analysis of the concentration-dependent FT Raman spectra point towards the formation of anthracene-C60-fullerene adducts with an unusual high amount of anthracene bound to C60-fullerene in the polymer film, while the 2Dcorrelation analysis of the temperature-dependent Raman spectra suggests a stepwise degradation of anthracene-C60-fullerene adducts, which are responsible for the self-healing of the polymer.

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