Feasibility studies of multimodal nonlinear endoscopy using multicore fiber bundles for remote scanning from tissue sections to bulk organs

in: Scientific Reports (2023)
Bae, Hyeonsoo; Rodewald, Marko; Meyer-Zedler, Tobias; Bocklitz, Thomas W.; Matz, Gregor; Messerschmidt, Bernhard; Press, Adrian T.; Bauer, Michael; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando; Stallmach, Andreas; Schmitt, Michael; Popp, Jürgen
Here, we report on the development and application of a compact multi-core fiber optical probe for multimodal non-linear imaging, combining the label-free modalities of Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering, Second Harmonic Generation, and Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence. Probes of this multicore fiber design avoid moving and voltage-carrying parts at the distal end, thus providing promising improved compatibility with clinical requirements over competing implementations. The performance characteristics of the probe are established using thin cryo-sections and artificial targets before the applicability to clinically relevant samples is evaluated using ex vivo bulk human and porcine intestine tissues. After image reconstruction to counteract the data’s inherently pixelated nature, the recorded images show high image quality and morpho-chemical conformity on the tissue level compared to multimodal non-linear images obtained with a laser-scanning microscope using a standard microscope objective. Furthermore, a simple yet effective reconstruction procedure is presented and demonstrated to yield satisfactory results. Finally, a clear pathway for further developments to facilitate a translation of the multimodal fiber probe into real-world clinical evaluation and application is outlined.

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