Comparing Raman and fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy from human atherosclerotic lesions using a bimodal probe

in: Journal of Biophotonics (2016)
Dochow, Sebastian; Fatakdawala, Hussain; Ma, Dinglong; Bocklitz, Thomas W.; Schmitt, Michael; Marcu, Laura; Popp, Jürgen; Phipps, Jennifer E.; Bishop, John W.; Margulies, Kenneth B.
Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIm) and Raman spec-troscopy are two promising methods to support morpho-logical intravascular imaging techniques with chemical contrast. Both approaches are complementary and may also be used in combination with OCT/IVUS to add chemical specificity to these morphologic intravascular imaging modalities. In this contribution, both modalities were simultaneously acquired from two human coronary specimens using a bimodal probe. A previously trained SVM model was used to interpret the fluorescence lifetime data; integrated band intensities displayed in RGB false color images were used to interpret the Raman data. Both modalities demonstrate unique strengths and weaknesses and these will be discussed in comparison to histologic analyses from the two coronary arteries image.

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