Impact of Plasmonic and Dielectric Substrates on the Whispering-Gallery Modes in Self-Assembled Fluorescent Semiconductor Polymer Microspheres

in: Nano Letters (2023)
Lin, Zhan-Hong; Kushida, Soh; Lin, Fan-Cheng; Chen, Jhih-Yuan; Singh, Ankit Kumar; Yamamoto, Yohei; Huang, Jer-Shing
In this work, the impact of metallic and dielectric conducting substrates, gold and indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass, on the whispering gallery modes (WGMs) of semiconductor ð-conjugated polymer microspheres is investigated. Hyperspectral mapping was performed to obtain the excitation-position-dependent emission spectra of the microspheres. Substrate-dependent quenching of WGMs sensitive to mode polarization was observed and explained. On a glass substrate, both transverse-electric (TE) and transverse-magnetic (TM) WGMs are quenched due to frustrated total internal reflection. On a gold substrate, however, only the TM WGMs are allowed in symmetry to leak into surface plasmons. An atomically flat gold substrate with subwavelength slits was used to experimentally verify the leakage of WGMs into the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). This work provides insight into the damping mechanisms of WGMs in microspheres on metallic and dielectric substrates.

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