Effect of novel quercetin titanium dioxide-decorated multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite on Bacillus subtilis biofilm development

in: Materials (2018)
Raie, Diana S.; Mhatre, Eisha; Labena, Ahmed; El-Ghannam, Gamal; Farahat, Laila; Youssef, Tareq; Fritzsche, Wolfgang; Kovács, Ákos; El-Desouki, Doaa S.
The present work was targeted to design a surface against cell seeding and adhering of bacteria, Bacillus subtilis. A multi-walled carbon nanotube/titanium dioxide nano-power was produced via simple mixing of carbon nanotube and titanium dioxide nanoparticles during the sol-gel process followed by heat treatment. Successfully, quercetin was immobilized on the nanocomposite via physical adsorption to form a quercetin/multi-walled carbon nanotube/titanium dioxide nanocomposite. The adhesion of bacteria on the coated-slides was verified after 24 h using confocal laser-scanning microscopy. Results indicated that the quercetin/multi-walled carbon nanotube/titanium dioxide nanocomposite had more negativity and higher recovery by glass surfaces than its counterpart. Moreover, coating surfaces with the quercetin-modified nanocomposite lowered both hydrophilicity and surface-attached bacteria compared to surfaces coated with the multi-walled carbon nanotubes/titanium dioxide nanocomposite

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