Studying different illumination patterns for resolution improvement in fluorescence microscopy

in: Optics Express (2015)
Heintzmann, Rainer; Chakrova, Nadya; Rieger, Bernd; Stallinga, Sjoerd
Various types of non-uniform illumination can be used for resolution improvement in fluorescence microscopy. Here we study the differences between several types of incoherent illumination patterns, such as multi-spot, line and pseudo-random patterns. This requires an imaging setup and an image reconstruction algorithm that are flexible enough to incorporate any type of illumination pattern. We employ fluorescence microscope with structured illumination generated by a Digital Micro-mirror Device (DMD) and the pattern-illuminated Fourier Ptychography reconstruction algorithm (piFP) to this end. The piFP method is modified and improved by identifying the algorithm as steepest descent optimization of a least squares function. We find that illumination patterns with regular structure are superior to those with irregular structure in terms of resolution enhancement and noise level in the reconstructed images.

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