Development of new classes of plasmon active nano-structures and their application in bio-sensing and energy guiding

in: Frontiers of Physics (2014)
Stranik, Ondrej; Jatschka, Jacqueline; Csáki, Andrea; Fritzsche, Wolfgang
Metal nanostructures exhibit special optical resonance modes originating from the subwavelength confinement of conductive electrons in the material. These resonance modes represent a strong research focus due to their application potential in optics and sensoric. In this short review recent achievements of our group in this field are highlighted. A wet-chemistry approach synthesis of advanced metallic nanostructures will be introduced and their exact positioning and manipulation by electric field is shown. Next, the application of these nanostructures for a detection of small molecules will be described in several examples. Also, it will be shown that metal nanostructures can be used for sub-wavelength light focusing and for efficient energy coupling into polymer chains.

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