Superconductivity in multi-phase Mg-B-O compounds

in: Physics Procedia (2012)
Prikhna, Tetiana A.; Gawalek, Wolfgang; Eisterer, Mikhael; Weber, Harald W.; Noudem, Jacques; Sokolovsky, Vladimir; Chaud, Xavier; Moshchil, Viktor E.; Karpets, Myroslav; Kovylaev, Valeriy; Borimskiy, Alexandr; Tkach, Vasiliy N.; Kozyrev, Artem; Kuznietsov, Roman; Dellith, Jan; Schmidt, Christa; Basyuk, Tetiana; Litzkendorf, Doris; Karau, Friedrich; Dittrich, Ulrich; Tompsic, Mikhael
Structures of MgB2-based materials manufactured under pressure (up to 2 GPa) by different methods having high superconducting performance and connectivity are multiphase and contain different Mg-B-O compounds. Some oxygen can be incorporated into MgB2 and boron into MgO structures, MgBx (X=4-20) inclusions contain practically no oxygen. Regulating manufacturing temperature, pressure, introducing additions one can influence oxygen and boron distribution in the materials and thus, affect the formation, amount and sizes of Mg-B-O and MgBx inclusions and changing type of pinning, pinning force and so affect critical current density jc. The boron concentration increase in initial Mg and B mixture allows obtaining sample containing 88.5 wt% of MgB12 with TC of 37.4 K (estimated magnetically).

DOI: Array

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