Engineering of YBa2Cu3O7–δ grain boundary Josephson junctions by Au nanocrystals

in: Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters (2011)
Michalowski, Peter; Schmidt, Matthias; Schmidl, Frank; Grosse, Veit; Kuhwald, Daniel; Katzer, Christian; Hübner, Uwe; Seidel, Paul
We prepared and investigated grain boundary Josephson junctions based on 3 SrTiO bicrystal substrates. During the deposition of 2 3 7 YBa Cu O -δ (YBCO) gold nanocrystals forming from an intermediate gold layer can modify the crystalline structure and thus the properties of the YBCO grain boundaries. The variation of the film thickness of the Au seed layer changes the growth conditions of the YBCO film and the Au nanocrystals. The values of the characteristic C N I R product do not change whereas the values of the critical current C I decrease.

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