Hybrid sensor based on microstructured hollow core fiber for simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature

in: SPIE Proceedings (2019)
Ferreira, Marta Sofia; Bierlich, Jörg; Kobelke, Jens; Pinto, Joao L.; Schuster, Kay; Wondraczek, Katrin
A hybrid sensor based on microstructured hollow core fiber is proposed for the simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature. The fiber, consisting of four silica capillaries with wall thickness of ~1 µm and a cladding with a thickness of ~26 µm, is spliced between two sections of single mode fiber. Using a low arc discharge power to splice the two fibers, a Fabry-Perot interferometer is formed. In this situation, light travels in the hollow core and the behavior of a twowave interferometer is observed. However, when the power of the arc discharge is increased, the structure near the splice area changes, generating new interferometric paths and giving rise to a different spectral response. In this work, sensors with a single degenerated area are analyzed. In such case, both Fabry-Perot and Michelson interferometers are created and different sensitivities to strain and temperature are obtained. The different spectral frequencies are analyzed, enabling the discrimination between the two parameters. For a sensor with a length of ~385 µm, strain sensitivities of 2.46 pm/µand -0.52 pm/µare obtained for the Fabry-Perot and for the Michelson interferometer, respectively. Regarding temperature, a sensitivity of 1.81 pm/°C was attained for the former, whereas for the last the sensitivity was of 42.23 pm/°C.

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