Thermodynamical control of soliton dynamics in liquid-core fibers

in: Optica (2018)
Chemnitz, Mario; Gaida, Christian; Gebhardt, Martin; Stutzki, Fabian; Kobelke, Jens; Tünnermann, Andreas; Limpert, Jens; Schmidt, Markus A.
Liquid-core fibers offer local external control over the pulse dispersion due to their strong thermodynamic response, offering a new degree of freedom in accurate soliton steering for reconfigurable mid-IR light generation. Here, we show how to accurately control soliton dynamics and supercontinuum generation in carbon disulfide/silica fibers by temperature and pressure tuning, monitored via the spectral location and the onset energy of non-solitonic radiation. Simulations and phase-matching calculations based on an extended thermodynamical dispersion model of carbon disulfide confirm the experimental results, which allows us to demonstrate the potential of temperature detuning of liquid-core fibers for octave spanning recompressible supercontinuum generation numerically.

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