Fabry-Pérot Cavity Based on a Diaphragm-Free Hollow-Core Silica Tube

in: Optics Letters (2011)
Ferreira, Marta F.S.; Coelho, Luis; Schuster, Kay; Kobelke, Jens; Santos, José Louis; Frazão, Orlando
A Fabry-Pérot cavity of simple design and based on a pure silica diaphragm-free hollow tube is proposed. Its operation is based on a first reflection of light at the end of the single mode fiber that illuminates the silica rod and in a second reflection that takes place at the end of the rod. The Fabry-Pérot cavity is characterized for high temperature, pressure and refractive index sensing, showing useful characteristics for the measurement of these three parameters. The diaphragm-free configuration simplifies the measurement of refractive index of fluids.

DOI: Array

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